a big star to replace Keanu Reeves for the sequel

We know that a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel is in development. And we can already know some details of what awaits us. See instead. This looks pretty promising.

The use of renowned Hollywood actors in video games has become common practice. We can see this with CD Projekt RED and actors like Keanu Reeves in Cyberpunk 2077 and its Phantom Liberty expansion. As well as Idris Elba. Will this approach be continued in the future, particularly with the highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2?

Cyberpunk 2077 2 gives information

Magda Zych, lead writer at CD Projekt RED, indicated in a recent interview with GamingBolt that this practice could continue, as long as it makes sense for the story the studio wants to tell. The main objective is for the actors to play their roles correctly and help immerse players in the story and world of the game. This makes sense.

Zych said: “Any talented actor who helps us tell our stories the way we imagined them and at the same time who is able to help us reach new audiences among their fans represents a great opportunity for us; and we definitely want to continue that as long as it makes sense for the story we want to tell.” She also highlights the importance of the actor being convincing in their role so that the world of the games is as believable as possible. Just like the films.

Cyberpunk 2077’s casting choices, featuring Reeves and Elba, were well received, with both actors delivering standout performances. We also remember to what extent the presence of Reeves, a true darling of the internet, had a significant impact on the marketing of the game. This clearly helped a lot to make the title known to the general public.

The future

Fans of the franchise therefore hope to see this trend continue. As for the future, it remains to be seen what it will look like, although it was confirmed earlier this year that the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, titled Project Orion, was in the conceptual design phase. We don’t know much more at the moment.

Zych also mentioned in the recent interview that future Cyberpunk titles don’t necessarily have to take place in Night City. So we can imagine a lot of things. For better or for worse.

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