a big theory confirmed, it’s going to be crazy

We know that Zack will be present in FF7 Rebirth, but we do not know exactly what his role will be. But that was before the big reveal that Square Enix just made.

We know more and more about what FF7 Rebirth has in store for us as the weeks go by. Beyond the more open structure of the game, it is above all the story of this second episode of the trilogy of remakes which is intriguing. Square Enix will retain certain emblematic passages from the original game, but the storyline should surprise players even more than in the previous opus. The presence of Zack Fair has a lot to do with it, and Yoshinori Kitase has just made a particularly interesting revelation around the character.

Information on Zack Fair’s role in FF7 Rebirth

If you’re a fan of Final Fantasy 7, you know what the original fate of Zack Fair is. His presence at the end of FF7 Remake therefore surprised everyone. In an interview with IGN, producer Yoshinori Kitase spoke about his role in FF7 Rebirth, which raises a lot of questions. It seems that Zack will not be limited to an observer role, but that he will also be playable during part of the adventure.

In Rebirth, there will be a new episode with Zack, which will highlight him even more than in Remake. I can’t say more, because I would like players to be able to enjoy this experience with their own hands.

Even if Kitase doesn’t make anything official, his statement doesn’t leave too much room for doubt: Zack should be playable in FF7 Rebirth. His words confirm the leak, which revealed this summer that players could well control the former SOLDIER in this long-awaited sequel. From there to him being the playable character of FF7 Remake 3, there is only one step. This same source indeed affirmed that the second opus would end with a small plot twist: Cloud would no longer be the main character at the end of FF7 Rebirth and logically in its sequel. Information to be taken with caution obviously, but we will have to wait until February 29, 2024 to see if this theory is confirmed. Normally, FF7 Remake 2 should not be postponed since Yoshinori Kitase explains that development is almost complete and that only the polishing and bug fixing work remains to be done.

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