a bill of around 22 billion euros to compensate for inflation

Faced with rising energy prices, the French government has planned to spend around 22 billion euros on measures to support purchasing power, Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Monday.

Freezing gas prices should probably cost 10 billion euros for the whole of 2022, against 1.2 billion euros budgeted so far, he explained on RMC / BFM TV.

The capping of electricity tariffs cost 8 billion euros and inflation compensation 4 billion euros, explained the minister. The total bill amounts to more than 20 billion euros on the sole protection of our compatriots against soaring energy prices, he concluded.

The government is ready to take more measures to support the purchasing power of households but it will be targeted responses, assured Bruno Le Maire.

It will not be a no matter what, hammered the Minister of the Economy. You don’t respond to a major geopolitical shift just by dropping a check here or there, he explained, referring to the Russian offensive in Ukraine launched at the end of February, which accentuated the rise in energy prices.

We will provide a response to all the French people most affected by the crisis, (…) responses targeted at those who need it the most, added Bruno Le Maire.

On Wednesday, President Emmanuel Macron asked Prime Minister Jean Castex to draw up an economic and social resilience plan to respond to the difficulties arising from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, in particular the rise in the prices of energy and raw materials.

As far as French companies are concerned, Bruno Le Maire spoke out on Friday for targeted and massive support for the sectors that need it.

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