a bill to the Snat to break the deadlock

Senator LR Philippe Tabarot, author of a recent report by a senatorial fact-finding mission on low-emission zones (ZFE), tabled a bill on Monday to “get out of the impasse once and for all ZFE”.

The promised acceptability of the ZFE measure is still not there following the interministerial committee held on Monday morning, said the senator from the Alpes-Maritimes in a press release.

Taking up the recommendations of his report, Philippe Tabarot proposes measures to loosen the noose and facilitate the deployment of the system, with realism, without radicalism or brutality and always with public health as the objective, in an attempt to limit the effects of this social bomb.

Bans pushed back

The bill thus reinforces the progressive nature of traffic bans in ZFEs, by postponing the entry into force of the restrictions provided for by the Climate law for light vehicles classified Crit’air 3 until 2030 at the latest.

This ban is currently due to come into force on January 1, 2025, after that of Crit’air 4 on January 1, 2024.

The text also proposes setting January 1, 2030 as the deadline for the creation of an EPZ in agglomerations of more than 150,000 inhabitants, leaving them the possibility of resorting to alternative solutions.

Among the other measures, Philippe Tabarot proposes a device to take a zero rate loan for the acquisition of clean light vehicles, or to reduce the VAT rate applicable to collective passenger transport from 10 to 5.5%.

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