a blunder that does not go unnoticed

This Wednesday, January 16, a columnist for the show “C à Vous” on France 5 made an error on information related to Josiane Balasko. The reaction of the actress, a guest on the set, was not long in coming…

On Wednesday January 16, the show “C à Vous” on France 5 gave a warm welcome to actresses Mélanie Thierry and Josiane Balasko, stars of the film “Captives” which is scheduled for release on January 24. This feature film, plunging into the Paris of 1894, reveals the enigma of Fanni, a woman claiming to have voluntarily locked herself up in the Salpêtrière Hospital. In search of her mother among the “crazy people”, Fanni discovers a disconcerting asylum reality, forming unexpected friendships with her companions in misfortune. The story reaches its climax with the announcement of the last grand ball at the Salpêtrière, attracting politicians, artists and socialites, representing his last hope of escape.

Although the promotion of the film is at the heart of the show, the C à Vous team could not miss the opportunity to revisit the rich career of Josiane Balasko. A career which is not limited to his role in Splendid, but which also extends to more serious films, as Mohamed Bouhafsi points out. However, in a clumsy attempt to emphasize Balasko’s change of register, Bouhafsi slips on his age, evoking 70 instead of 73. Balasko’s amusing line, “It’s not a question of doing them or not, it’s is that we have them!”, is greeted by bursts of laughter, emphasizing the light nature of the incident.

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Blunders and humor, a constant of C à Vous

This blunder about Josiane Balasko’s age is not the first of its kind on the show. Babeth, in particular, is known for her amusing mistakes. However, this contributes to the unique charm of C à Vous, where the laid-back atmosphere allows even seasoned professionals like Mohamed Bouhafsi to miss their cues from time to time. Last November, Balasko had already had to correct certain errors made about him on the show, proof that even celebrities can be victims of inaccuracies. However, all in a good-natured spirit which only reinforces the friendly aspect of the show.

Current journalist

A fashionista at heart, Dora has always dreamed of writing for fashion. After having accomplished her dream and much more, she redirects herself towards current affairs, whether celebrity,…

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