A bug disrupts the functioning of the Warzone shop

Over the seasons, Warzone has had its share of more or less devastating problems, but a bug preventing players from buying an item from the store is something you don’t see every day.

In addition to the new features that appear in game with each update, Warzone players are regularly entitled to the arrival of new cosmetic elements intended to allow them to shine with panache on the battlefield.

Aside from aesthetics, buying weapon packs or blueprints is also an easy way for players to instantly unlock a new weapon, at least when it’s working properly.


Skins are particularly popular on Warzone.

Recently, a bug seems to disrupt the functioning of the shop, preventing players from buying certain items.

A Warzone player discovers a strange bug in the shop

On Reddit, a player shared this new bug wondering how a virtual item could be broken. As seen in the image he shared, one of the items appears to be sold out. So far weapon packs and blueprints have mostly only been available for a limited time, but there has never been a question of stocks.

To which one player quickly replied: “They’re just trying to introduce FOMO…I hope they fail.”

FOMO stands for fear of missing out, its message refers to a business practice of creating a sense of urgency, the fear of missing an opportunity, to drive sales of a product with few stocks, or with a short promotional offer.

“Looks like you managed to bypass some shop settings for the duration of the packs. I bet it will work again or be replaced in the store if you restart your game”said another netizen.

One netizen hinted at a darker future for the franchise, saying: “oh, wait until they have limited items like NFTs in Call of Duty, and then you’ll see how this game works.”

Anyway, it seems more than likely that this is a bug. Since this problem affects the store and therefore the microtransactions of the battle royale, the developers should quickly intervene.

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