A CEO replaces his employees with an AI, Windows 11 updated, this is the recap

A critical Windows 11 update has arrived. It improves the security of the system and brings some features. The CEO of a company explains on social networks how he gains responsiveness by replacing his employees with an AI. Movie piracy site foolishly breaks deal with production studios.

Are we finally moving towards a legal validation of Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard ? A big step has just been taken: Microsoft just won its lawsuit against the FTC. Of course, to convince the FTCMicrosoft had to show paw and promise that Sony and Nintendo will not be harmed after the merger.

After having convinced the FTC (American Federal Commission in charge of trade) to give its approval to the gigantic financial operation, Microsoft is now tackling another battle: convincing the CMAthe British competition authority, to approve the merger. The CMA, which has blocked redemption since April 2023, is the last barrier that the Redmond firm must overcome. Negotiations are also underway, Microsoft having every interest in concluding them quickly. Here are the three other news items that marked the day of July 12, 2023.

It replaces almost all of its employees with an AI… and boasts about it!

The boss of an Indian company posted a message on social networks explaining his latest decision affecting his teams: he dismissed 9 out of 10 people. Quite simply. Of course, they will not be replaced. At least not by other employees, since their role will be taken over by an AI-powered Chatbot. A difficult but necessary decision, he says in his tweet, which he justifies with figures. But is it really necessary?

Learn more: This CEO Brags About Replacing 90% Of His Employees With AI, He Gets Fired On The Web

Microsoft rolls out a must-install Windows 11 update

Microsoft announces the arrival of an update for Windows 11. Numbered KB5028185, it is “compulsory”. This means that the system will download it on its own and force its installation by repetitive messages (if you have not accepted the automatic installation). However, it is justified here. Indeed, it integrates essential security patches. This patch is accompanied by a few functions previously reserved for members of the Windows Insider program. Find the list of new products in the link below.

Learn more: Windows 11 welcomes an update that will make your life easier, here are the new features

An illegal download site breaks its agreement with production studios

This is the silly story of the day. YTS is a site that references links to illegally download pirated content. It welcomes millions of visitors. In 2020, the site is sued for copyright infringement and receives a heavy fine. But the operators remained masters of their site. For what ? Because they negotiated an agreement with the studios allowing them to continue to distribute the films illegally. On one condition: do not include recent movies in the links. But surprisingly, the terms of the agreement were not respected.

Learn more: This site could legally share pirated movies, it stupidly violated the agreement signed with the studios

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