A “chip war” to weaken the high-tech industry in Russia

DECRYPTION – By depriving the country of strategic technologies, Westerners, Taiwan and Japan are also taking a risk.

The arsenal of sanctions deployed by the West does not only target the financial circuits and assets of Russian leaders. They aim to weaken Russia’s industry by depriving it of strategic foreign technologies. A kind of progressive and medium-term deterrence. “Some of the most powerful effects of our actions will come over time as we reduce Russia’s access to finance and technology for strategic sectors and degrade its industrial capacity,” Joe Biden warned Thursday night. Echoing this, and with more precision, the head of British diplomacy, Liz Truss, explained that she wanted to “to hit the electronics, telecommunications and aerospace industries hard”.

To this end, the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom will apply controls on exports of sensitive equipment. The objective of the American president: to deprive “Russia of more than half of its imports…

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