a clash of fates for a third star

The human mind is so made that it likes to believe in signs. At the time of seeing France and Argentina face off on Sunday, December 18, in the final of the 2022 World Cup (at 4 p.m., metropolitan time), some so improvise oracles. During Argentina’s two crowns (1978 and 1986), the South American country had to face a team that had played in the final of the previous edition; a good omen, France being defending champions. Yes, but the Blues beat Denmark in the group stage, as in all the competitions they won (World Cups 1998 and 2018, and Euros 1984 and 2000). “It’s just the last gamesweeps the French captain, Hugo Lloris, away from these considerations. We all want to write our story, but the hardest part is ahead of us. » So who from Lionel Messi’s Albiceleste or Kylian Mbappé’s Blues will find the resources to lift the trophy?

Whoever wins will go down in football history. A second rank title for the Blues, which has only happened twice (Italy in 1934 and 1938, then Brazil in 1958 and 1962), or the long-awaited coronation of Lionel Messi, taking up the torch a year after the death of Diego Maradona. Twenty-two players – and more if affinities, five possible changes require – will compete on Sunday. Two teams eager to complete their adventure in apotheosis, and to mark their time. Only one will leave with the trophy and a third star embroidered on his jersey (the two nations are tied, with two titles each); for the other, the immense stadium of Lusail will become the disastrous enclosure of a broken dream.

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Before the final, several former players spoke. And the wind often blows in the direction of the immense country of the Gauchos. “I love Messi, and I hope he ends up championsaid the former Brazilian side Cafu. I have always appreciated the best players, and this is one of them. » For his part, the German Lothar Matthäus added: “I’ve always said I’d like to see Messi beat my record [de nombre de matchs au Mondial, 26, qui tombera dimanche] and I would like it to do so with a title. He deserves to end his career this way. » Unfortunately, many teams can testify that merit and football do not always go hand in hand – like the Dutch in 1974 and 1978, or the Brazilians in 1982, whose game was so much praised but who returned empty-handed.

The Blues as the villains of history

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