a colossal lifespan, it’s confirmed!

After its superb trailer during the State of Play, FF7 Rebirth reveals a little more, this time concerning its lifespan. The fans will appreciate it, it will be a real FF.

Final Fantasy fans are having a truly intense year. After the release of Final Fantasy 16 in June and that of Ever Crisis at the beginning of September, they were treated to a new trailer for FF7 Rebirth during the last State of Play. The opportunity to see Cloud and his whole gang again, but above all to finally know the release date of the game, which will arrive on February 29, 2024 in this leap year. Just after the event, Square Enix took the opportunity to say more about the lifespan of the long-awaited RPG and it will be more generous than many players expected.

FF7 Rebirth lifespan revealed

After the release of the new FF7 Rebirth trailer, Square Enix shared several messages from important members of the development team on X. In one of them, game director Naoki Hamaguchi reveals the lifespan of FF7 Rebirth . Fans of the license can rest assured, it will be a real Final Fantasy like in the good old days. “ We hope you enjoy exploring this world in every detail, as nearly 100 hours of adventure await you », confides Naoki Hamaguchi. 100 hours is a much longer lifespan than that of FF7 Remake, which could be completed in around forty hours. The director specifies that this indicator takes into account a large part of the side quests, but that it can easily increase depending on the profile.

In addition to the main story, the title will therefore have its share of side quests, secondary bosses and mini-games which will extend the lifespan. As we can see in the latest trailer, the Gold Saucer will be there with all its cool little activities, like the motorcycle mini-game. For his part, producer Yoshinori Kitase promises a vast world to explore while the first part was limited to Midgar. He adds that the synergy between the characters will be even better thanks to the addition of some fan-favorite figures. In this sequel, Cait Sith and Yuffie (already present in the Intergrade DLC of FF7 Remake) will join the group, probably like Vincent Valentine, who we see briefly in the trailer.

Cloud and Sephiroth best friends?

Yoshinori Kitase also specifies that a summary of FF7 Remake will be offered for those who want to dive directly into this sequel. It is still better to start with the first episode of the trilogy to understand everything about FF7 Rebirth, which promises to be particularly complex. Since the first presentation of the title, we have always wondered why Cloud and Sephiroth collaborate and how Zack can join Midgar after the events of Crisis Core… Is there a second timeline in the game ? To find out all this, you will have to wait until February 29, 2024, the release day of FF7 Rebirth on PS5.

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