A competition to design the suit for European astronauts

The European Space Agency is looking for an identity for its suits. She therefore appealed to designers through a competition.

By ThePoint.fr

ESA does not have a European combination.
© HARALD TITTEL / DPA / dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP

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EWhat if astronauts wore your creation? The European Space Agency (ESA) plans to send a European to the Moon before 2037, a significant step forward when only the Americans have managed to achieve this feat at this stage. The lucky one who will tread the lunar ground will have to face extreme conditions there: absence of oxygen, intense cold, cosmic radiation or even sharp dust, counts The Parisian. To resist these elements, astronauts will be able to benefit from an optimal combination. ESA, which still does not have a European combination, has therefore launched a competition to imagine this one.

“It’s a preliminary exercise. Do not think that we already have a program to develop wetsuits once this competition is over. (…) It’s just an initiative to focus attention on the suit that is necessary for astronauts and emblematic ”, explains to the daily Stefaan De Mey, senior strategy officer for human and robotic exploration at the ESA.READ ALSOPhébé – The conquest of space, a new aspect of international competition

The winning combination in the cinema?

The combination that wins the contest will not go to the Moon, but it will be entitled to a highly symbolic role. “We have received a lot of requests from exhibitions and events that want to show a European combination, for reasons of awareness, because the public is in great demand”, continues Stefaan De Mey, who regrets that at present , “we have nothing, the only thing we can show are American jumpsuits”.

The competition, open to all cartoonists over the age of 18, will choose up to five winners. The jury made up of experts will judge the “quality of the image” and expect an “innovative and inspiring design”. Each combination, whether drawn by hand or on a computer, must be accompanied by a caption in English explaining how the creation is a representation of European identity. The winners could thus see their creation appear in the cinema: “Filmmakers have already asked us! says Stefaan De Mey.

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