A connected steam oven at a very attractive price from Hisense

Hisense BSA66346PBGWIFI

  • Boulanger.com


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For several years now, built-in ovens have been equipped with numerous features to simplify life in the kitchen: steam nozzles, cooking assistant, temperature probe, connection to a smartphone… Of course, all these extras increase the price. invoice and the best-equipped models are sold at prohibitive prices, often well above the symbolic bar of €1,000.

Hisense bi66346pdbgwifi

It’s better to like black…


The Hisense BSA66346PBGWIFI built-in oven is part of this over-equipped product category. It therefore includes a cooking assistant with 22 recipes. Thanks to it, you just have to choose a preparation and the quantity to cook so that the oven automatically determines the most appropriate cooking method (natural convection, pulsed heat, etc.) as well as the temperature and duration of the operation. In addition, Hisense has equipped its new spearhead with real nozzles to generate steam during cooking in order to maintain the tenderness of meats cooked in the oven and to facilitate the formation of a crispy crust on bakery preparations.

Connectivity finally useful?

As its name suggests, the BSA66346PBGWIFI can be connected to a smartphone equipped with the manufacturer’s application. You then have a remote control panel to adjust the cooking parameters from your phone and various advantages such as downloading new recipes, detailed monitoring of electricity consumption or even easy access to the manufacturer’s after-sales service and a digital user manual: let us point out that the majority of connected ovens offer the same functions.

Hisense bi66346pdbgwifi

we can clearly see the water tank orifice (top right) and the fan at the bottom of the cavity.


The Hisense BSA66346PBGWIFI uses forced heat; in the very large 77 liter enclosure, the roof (top) and bottom (bottom) resistances are supported by an annular resistance at the bottom of the cavity which surrounds a fan responsible for distributing the heat evenly. The particular shape of the muffle, rounded at its top and inspired by bread ovens, should further improve things. Apart from the cooking assistant, Hisense has provided a manual mode which allows the user to choose one of the 23 cooking modes available; pulsed heat, grill, natural convection… If we refer to the technical sheet, the manufacturer has provided a pizza mode which allows the temperature to be raised up to 300°C; this is not so common for a classic oven.

As we can see, Hisense seems to have pulled out all the stops with the BSA66346PBGWIFI. And yet, the entry ticket is not that high since it does not exceed €800. Many other models, with less muscular technical specifications, reach this price.

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