a “counter-tribune” which is gaining more and more momentum, “spittle in the face”

After the controversy surrounding the column published in Le Figaro in support of actor Gérard Depardieu, many personalities stepped up to the plate, unable to accept the comments made in the text. This Sunday, December 31, 2023, a “counter-tribune” obtained nearly 8,000 signatures, including many names from the world of culture.

It’s a real earthquake that has affected the world of French cinema since the broadcast of Further investigation on the actor Gérard Depardieu. While the man is already affected by three complaints of rape, the sequences broadcast in the program France 2 particularly shocked the French public. Wanting to denounce a “ lynching» media, around sixty personalities of French culture took part in a column in support of the actor published Tuesday, December 26 in the columns of Figaro .

A platform denounced by a large number of artists whether on social networks, but also in the press like Lucie Lucas, but also Marilou Berry who did not fail to make fun of the signatories by asserting that ‘they had done’ the bottoms of drawers “. Since then, many personalities who signed the first column have quickly reversed course by dissociating themselves from the behavior of Gérard Depardieu. This Saturday, December 30, a left-wing collective calledBrains not availablelaunched a “counter-tribune» denouncing the preferential treatment of the 75-year-old actor who has already obtained nearly 8,000 artist signatures!

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“Spitting in the faces of the victims”

A “counter-tribune” which aims to respond to the actor’s text of support, but also to the words of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, who spoke of “manhunt» last December 20 in the showC to you: “This forum and Macron’s defense are spitting in the face of the victims of Gérard Depardieu, but also of all victims of sexist and sexual violence.», It is then written in the project description.

Among the many signatories of the counter-tribune, we find many well-known artists like Clara Luciani, Angèle, Barbara Pravi, but also the singer Louane and the rapper Médine. But not only ! Content creators like Léna Situations, actors and actresses as well as directors also took part in this movement. A list of signatories which tends to evolve since a second petition was also opened this Sunday, December 31 which also collects 70 names of well-known artists, including Laure Calamy, Alex Lutz and Anna Mouglalis.

The people? A whole world! Passionate about the media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it was natural that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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