A decade at the forefront of the crypto revolution

I, Mark Preuß, look back on an eventful decade as the founder and managing director of BTC-ECHO. Started with a fascination for Bitcoin and blockchain, BTC-ECHO has developed into a leading medium in German-speaking countries. We are committed to educating and reporting on cryptocurrencies and the underlying technology. The journey from humble beginnings to becoming a recognized authority in the crypto sector demonstrates a deep passion and relentless drive to bring this innovative technology to the wider public.

A quick look back into the past. It’s February 11, 2014. 12 million of the Bitcoins ever available (around 57 percent) have been mined. The Bitcoin price was around $550. Bitcoin is completely unknown in Germany. There were actually only Bitcoin, Litecoin, Peercoin, Namecoin and Dogecoin. Ethereum was still a thought experiment by Vitalik Buterin – the go-live only followed a year later at a price of 26 cents. Buying cryptocurrencies is a pure adventure. It was the Wild West. Reliable German-language sources of information: none. It was the birth of BTC-ECHO.

The founding story: From blog to leading crypto medium

The decision to create BTC-ECHO came at a time when cryptocurrencies were largely unknown in Germany. My personal journey – from student and employee to crypto enthusiast – reflects a desire to create change and create something of real value. My research into Bitcoin sparked a deep curiosity that led me to create a place to share knowledge and news about this new, groundbreaking technology. This vision materialized on February 11, 2014 with the publication of the first article on BTC-ECHO.

I still remember the headline of my first article: “57 percent of Brits know Bitcoin.” A groundbreaking headline for me at the time, as I had the feeling that no one but me in Germany was concerned with Bitcoin. This was also the reason why I decided to create a German-language platform.

This was followed on February 28, 2014 by an event that some may only know from history books: the bankruptcy of Mt.Gox. In one fell swoop, 850,000 BTC were lost. Mt.Gox suddenly had around $63 million in debt. Bitcoin was around $400. The article reached 92 people at the time. Today there can be well over 100,000 readers at peak.

Since then, we have published over 30,000 articles, headlines and reports on BTC-ECHO in a decade. So you can assume that a little has happened in the crypto space in the meantime. I would argue that we on BTC-ECHO have covered every relevant event since then.

Ten years sounds like a long time, but looking back, for me it is just the beginning of a major revolution in the financial market. I am personally very proud of it and see it as a great privilege to have played an important part in the birth of a new and groundbreaking financial technology with BTC-ECHO. I believe that in-depth information is particularly important in the areas of new finance. I think our grandchildren will continue to benefit from the foundations we have laid as a crypto community.

Growth and challenges

Today, after ten years, we can say: Crypto is here to stay! And the same applies to BTC-ECHO. Shaped and shaped by the turbulence, winter and summer of the last ten crypto years, I am proud of what we have achieved as a team, created and contributed to the development and further development of the DACH Bitcoin and blockchain location. Over the years, BTC-ECHO has grown from a small blog to a large platform with 25 employees and over 1.3 million readers per month.

These figures not only demonstrate the continued growth and staying power of BTC-ECHO, but also the increasing interest and acceptance of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in German-speaking countries.

Responsibility and influence as a leading medium

As an established medium in the crypto sector, BTC-ECHO has a great responsibility. The quality of our reporting, the depth of our analysis and the reliability of the information provided are crucial. We see ourselves as a guide in the complex world of cryptocurrencies and strive to not only inform, but also educate and protect our readership.

When I founded BTC-ECHO in 2014, I just wanted to create a blog where my friends and family could find trustworthy information about Bitcoin and blockchain. This small place, intended for the private environment, became a large platform, visited by over 15 million people every year.

We have created a home for the German-speaking Bitcoin and Blockchain community and we will continue to expand this home over the next ten years.

Future vision BTC-ECHO

The digital revolution in the financial sector is well underway, and BTC-ECHO will continue to play a key role in shaping this future. Our goal is to continually expand the platform and respond even more closely to the needs of our readership. Introducing new technologies and deepening our content will allow us to provide even greater value to our readers.

I’m often asked why we don’t expand. Europe, USA, Asia and Co. My answer has been the same for ten years: Our home is the German-speaking area, once we have done our homework here, we can think about expansion. Ten years have passed, we haven’t gotten bored and there is still a lot to do.

Especially in hot phases like the ones that are just beginning again, I always notice how important it is to educate people, to pick them up and to protect them. We are looking forward to a great future. A future in which financial education is becoming more and more essential and a future in which we with BTC-ECHO can help people from all walks of life benefit from this development. In the spirit of Satoshi Nakamoto.


Finally, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of BTC-ECHO: the dedicated team, our loyal readers, partners and the entire crypto community. Without this support, BTC-ECHO would not be what it is today. The tenth anniversary marks a significant milestone. With undiminished passion and commitment, we look forward to writing the next chapters in the story of BTC-ECHO. With this in mind, all we can say is that the journey continues, and the best parts of this story are still unwritten.

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