a decision that will disappoint many fans of the license

While the Fallout franchise has seen a huge resurgence in popularity, what about Bethesda’s plans in this regard? A statement from Todd Howard may disappoint fans.

The influential Todd Howard was recently very talkative about the various upcoming projects at Bethesda, through an information-rich interview. Regarding its now very popular postapocalyptic franchise, however, it seems that the studio’s gaze is turned towards the future with in particular a certain Fallout 5, and not towards the past.

There is only one for the future of Fallout

Whether it’s the roadmap for Starfield, The Elder Scrolls 6 or Fallout, Todd Howard shared a lot of news as part of his interview with MrMattyPlays. While the fifth opus still belongs to a very distant and dystopian future, does Bethesda have other plans to ride on the explosive success of the Prime Video series? The answer unfortunately seems to be negative, at least when it comes to the legendary original games. At least not in the form of any Remake or Remaster.

Our priority is to make sure they are available and playable on PC. Beyond that, we have no other plans for the first games in the license. We just want them to launch and run well. Part of their charm is that they come from another age. I wouldn’t want to copy them in part just to say that we changed a few things to make them more modern. As long as you can download and launch them, I think that’s the best way to enjoy the unique experience they offer.

Todd Howard on Bethesda’s plans for the Fallout franchise

Bethesda lets the fan community do its thing

For those wishing to see what a modern version of these legendary games would look like, you will have to wait for the release of a certain Project Arroyo. This intends to completely readapt the iconic Fallout 2 in 3D in the fourth opus. This unofficial Remake seems to be on very good track, but its release still seems far away. You’ll find a glimpse of the impressive work done by fans in this regard in the video below. A way like any other to wait for the continuation of the nuclear program at Bethesda. Let’s also remember that Fallout 76 recently received free DLC offering a whole new region to explore.

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