a device still unknown and under-used

It is a leave that remains unknown and to which few workers resort. Fewer than 5,000 people have benefited from caregiver leave over the past year, which allows them to care for an elderly or disabled loved one for a maximum of three months, the Secretary of State in charge noted on Wednesday 6 October. disability, Sophie Cluzel, who conceded that the steps to obtain it had to be “Simplified”.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also “Helpers” who work will be able to take compensated leave

” It’s not much. We think it could be three or four times more “, commented Ms. Cluzel on Sud Radio, where she was interviewed on the occasion of Caregivers Day.

Established a year ago, this compensated leave of 52 euros net per day for a single person is not “Not known enough” and should be further promoted by companies, she said. “It’s up to them to carry this announcement, to say [aux salariés] you can tell us about it, we will accompany you, underlined Mme Cluzel. “There is a reluctance within his company to declare himself a helper and to ask for it”, she lamented, promising to “To simplify things”, without going into detail.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also Caregivers, a growing issue for businesses

Too restrictive rules and arrangements

According to the National Family Allowances Fund, more than 15,900 caregiver leave applications have been filed over the past year, but most did not meet the award criteria.

Indeed, the rules governing the device are “Too restrictive” and do not allow “Not adapt to the reality of all caregivers”, estimates Morgane Hiron, the general delegate of the associative collective Je t’aide.

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The collective therefore asks that it last longer, be better compensated, and that its accessibility criteria be broadened. Currently, it can be granted to assist an elderly person with a loss of autonomy or a handicap, but not for the help of a person suffering from a serious illness, for example.

Read also: “Young caregivers”, invisible people alongside a sick loved one

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