a disappointing announcement, angry fans

Will the Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol.1 compilation disappoint when it is released? A recent revelation is still not getting through to players who are completely incomprehensible.

Lately, it’s been a bit of a roller coaster with Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol.1 which alternates between good and bad news. In August, a controversy broke out over the technical constraints of the compilation. Faced with the outcry, Konami came out of silence to clear up any misunderstanding and correct the information previously given. But the controversy restarts today with details that are absurd for many.

In August, previews revealed that Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol.1 games were running at 720p 30fps. An unthinkable limitation for many people, given that MGS 2 Sons of Liberty & MGS 3 Snake Eater were indeed in 60fps on PS3 and Xbox 360 in the other HD compilations. But as we saw several days ago, there is no choice. Either you accept this framerate of 30fps, or you carefully avoid this first best-of.

In a detailed table, Konami has indeed confirmed that Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 will be in 1080p at 30fps on Nintendo Switch if it is connected to your TV. In portable mode, the resolution drops to 720p. And the PS5, PS4, Xbox Series and PC versions are no better off. It will be 1080 at 60fps – except for MGS 1 which will always be in 30fps -, without 4K upscale. But it gets worse because the announced framerate of 60fps will not be stable. “This is the highest possible variable frame rate (editor’s note: 60fps). Certain factors such as a large amount of in-game effects or during cutscenes may cause a drop ». No 4K, one frame rate per second, no 60fps on Switch, it’s starting to be a lot. Too much even.

The reactions are not long in coming on these technical details of Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol.1 have triggered a new controversy. “What a lazy carry”; “1080p at 30fps is insulting”; “An absolutely ridiculous framerate for the Switch”; “Taking into account that these are PS2 games, it is simply unacceptable that it is at 30fps on Switch”. Other comments suggest that 4K will be available via a mod, and we even get a little killer tackle on the next compilations. “Metal Gear Solid 4 remaster will run at 720p 25fps on PS5 Pro”.

Credits: Konami.

Detailed technical performance of the games

Given the many feedbacks, Konami will perhaps make a “Red Dead Redemption”, that is to say a lazy port sold at too high a price. A price which, in view of the technical details, is not to everyone’s taste. Hoping it’s not even more disappointing than that. Fans of the publisher remember the poor treatment of Silent Hill HD Collection and the completely ruined fog of SH2.

Metal Gear Solid 1 technical details (framerates, resolutions)

  • PS5 / PS4: 1080p at 30fps
  • Xbox Series: 1080p at 30fps
  • Nintendo Switch (portable): 720p at 30fps
  • Nintendo (docked TV mode): 1080p at 30fps
  • PC: 1080p at 30fps

MGS 2 & MGS 3 technical details (framerates, resolutions)

  • PS5 / PS4: 1080p at 60fps
  • Xbox Series: 1080p at 60fps
  • Nintendo Switch (portable): 720p at 30fps
  • Nintendo (docked TV mode): 1080p at 30fps
  • PC: 1080p at 60fps
metal gear solid master collection vol.1 resolutions framerates games

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