a divisive news about the DLC

Assassin’s Creed Mirage, the next big chunk of Ubisoft’s acclaimed franchise, has just revealed more of its future during a Q&A session. If the game has already shown itself up and down and across, Ubisoft has made things clear about the post-launch content of the game.

Like many players in the industry, Ubisoft likes DLCs, especially when it comes to filling a Assassin’s Creed or one far cry. Sometimes frankly successful DLCs which also bring real added value, or others which ultimately only look like a little more fun. Only here, if there is indeed an audience and there will always be one to be happy to have additional content, not everyone likes DLC.

We can even say without taking any risk that a good majority of players are, at first sight, resistant to this kind of process, especially when they are planned, promoted or even developed before the official release of the game. This is why the studios take more and more of the gloves when they decide to speak about paid additional contents, like free. So when Ubisoft starts talking about Assassin’s Creed Mirage DLCs, you might as well say that everyone is listening.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage talks about its DLCs

And this time, the news should please those who remain cautious about talking about DLC before the launch of a title, even if it means disappointing others. Developers Stéphane Boudon, Sarah Beaulieu and Jean-Luc Sala lent himself to the game of questions and answers on Reddit. Among the questions, several people asked what was planned for the game after its release. If DLC or post-launch content was planned. What the developers answered bluntly that ” for the moment “There was no “no plans for AC Mirage DLC or post-launch content”. If some players say they are disappointed, others are rather delighted with the news.

source: Reddit

A return to basics, and that’s it!

As a reminder, AC Mirage was intended to be Assassin’s Creed Valhalla add-on content, then a standalone, before eventually turning into a full-fledged game. It is therefore very likely that nothing is planned to keep the game alive for a long time contrary to the main opuses. The future will tell if Ubisoft changes its tune in the months following the release of the game.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage presents itself as a real return to the source for the franchise. The game will take place in Baghdad a few years before the events of Valhalla. We will play Basim, an assassin seen in AC Valhalla exactly. Infiltration and gadgets will be more than ever at the heart of the gameplay while the game map will be much more dense and lively than in the last productions, although it will be much smaller. It remains to be seen what this will give the pad in the hands. For now, Assassin’s Creed Mirage is expected on consoles and PC by October 12, 2023. The next big games of the license meanwhile, will not arrive until much later.

And you, what do you think of this story of DLC announced before the release of the games? More generally, are you for or against DLC?

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