a download site is already replacing it, here is its new address

To counter the blocking of which it is the subject, the Uptobox site has found the parade: to propose a new site with a new Web address. A little game in which other download sites are engaged and which allows them to slip through the cracks.

Photo credit: 113RF

If you are familiar with the Zone-Telechargement site, which provides download links to films, series and video games, you probably know that it does not host any files. For this, it uses other sites specializing in storage, such as 1fichier, Rapidgator or even Uptobox. And it is the latter who is in the sights of French justice, since a court has just ordered ISPs to block access to the famous download site.

To circumvent the restrictions imposed, a solution was quickly found by its leaders: a DNS change. Nevertheless, some users seem to have encountered problems setting it up. But now another solution, much simpler, has just been found. Uptobox gets a new web address, which is not blocked by Orange, SFR, Bouygues or Free.

Uptobox offers itself a new address to circumvent the blocking

Although the Uptobox site and its derivatives have nothing illegitimate, since they simply offer a space to share all types of files, it is above all the use made of them that poses a problem. The storage space offered by Uptobox is exploited by its users for illegal purposes, since it is mainly used to illegally host films, series, video games and utilities of all kinds. If the Association for the fight against audiovisual piracy has long asked Uptbox to remove this kind of content, the site has never been able (or wanted) to take the necessary measures.

Justice has therefore decided, asking ISPs to prevent access to Uptobox. But the very day of the court’s decision, Uptobox immediately reacted by offering its users a solution: changing the DNS, a very small operation to be carried out in the browser settings. Nevertheless, the manipulation may not have worked for some, or was deemed too complicated by others. Uptobox therefore provides a second solution: a new domain name. If Uptobox.com and Uptostream.eu still exist, two new “alternative” URLs have just appeared on the Web :



Note that this is probably not a new site to speak of, just a new domain name. All files hosted on uptobox.com are also present uptobox.eu. In other words, if you know the URL of a file stored on uptobox.com, but you cannot access it, all you have to do is modify the domain name at the beginning of the URL (simply replace .com by .eu). And voila, you should access your download.

These two new sites are not blocked by ISPs, at least for the moment. In this game of cat and mouse, referencing or illegal downloading sites are generally blocked after a few weeks. It is for this reason that Zone-Telechargement or oxtorrent.sx regularly change their web address. For its part, the leaders of Uptobox do not intend to stay and have already announced that they will challenge the court decision.

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