a drug available in 2021?

The Institut Pasteur de Lille has identified an effective molecule against the coronavirus already present in a drug on the market.

The Institut Pasteur de Lille has been working since March to find a cure for Covid-19. This Friday, the researchers announced that they had identified an effective molecule. This fundamental finding must be confirmed by a clinical trial. "If all goes well, treatment will be available in early 2021 ". If the name of this molecule "miracle", already present in a marketed drug, must remain secret for the time being, some details have nevertheless been delivered on what appears to be a fundamental advance.

"It acts as an anti-viral"

"We have demonstrated in vitro (in the laboratory) that a molecule present in the active principle of an existing drug is active against the coronavirus. We tested it on human lung cells and the results were very promising", Explained Prof. Benoît Déprez, scientific director of the Institut Pasteur de Lille (IPL), to The voice of the North.

If its effectiveness is proven, the molecule can be taken at the first symptoms of the disease, and thus prevent it from worsening. Acting as an anti-viral, it will also limit any contagion.
"Taken at the first symptoms of the disease, this drug reduces the viral load of the carrier of the disease, prevents contagion. Taken later, it thwarts its severe forms. Its action is that of an anti-viral and not that of an anti-inflammatory», Specifies the professional. And to detail: "We have proven that its active principle can kill the virus at a concentration thirty times lower than that which is basically proposed …"

No needles, no nursing staff

This molecule conceals, according to the researchers, other virtues supposed to facilitate its distribution: it is already "No needling, no need for help from a nursing staff"Assures Benoît Déprez, boasting little or no side effects or drug interactions to fear. To confirm the effectiveness of this molecule, clinical trials will have to be carried out. However, these tests will have to be funded to the tune of 5 million euros. The Institut Pasteur de Lille remains on its guard, recalling that for the moment, this is only a test phase.

“We cannot give his name. Stocks are limited and we need reserves for the clinical trial. We also want to avoid any frenzy ” explained the Professor Deprez, referring to the chloroquine rush. "If this works, its production will be increased calmly and not on the basis of wild demand ". If successful, access to this treatment against the coronavirus is scheduled for "early 2021".

According to Prof. Benoît Déprez, this discovery "Is for the moment the only drug alternative which is positioned from the beginning of the disease". “The epidemic is still at the same level as in March, we are in a war of position. This molecule could change the lines ”.

See also: 5 good news about the coronavirus

Video by Clara Poudevigne