A “European Marshall Plan” to rebuild Ukraine

A donors’ conference, meeting in Warsaw, raised more than $6 billion in pledges.

Correspondent in Brussels

Over $6 billion in pledges for war-torn Ukraine. This is the outcome of the donors’ conference which was organized on Thursday in Warsaw, at the initiative of Poland and Sweden. “This money will be used to support Ukraine and all those who help Kyiv”especially countries that host refugees, said Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has announced that she will release an additional 200 million euros, on top of the 4 billion euros in economic and humanitarian aid already released by Brussels. France will add $300 million, bringing its financial, economic and humanitarian aid to $2 billion since the start of the war. “The needs of the population and the economic situation of the country call for a new effort by the international community in response to the destruction of civilian infrastructure“, said

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