a first tranche of 3.5 billion in the 2022 budget

This is the first realization of the France 2030 investment plan announced with great fanfare on October 12 by Emmanuel Macron. According to information from World, the amendment to the 2022 finance bill (PLF), which the government must table on Tuesday, November 2 in order to legislate the existence of this plan, provides for next year an envelope of 3.5 billion euros (including 700 million euros of equity for companies).

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers France 2030: Emmanuel Macron releases 30 billion euros for his investment plan

This will be the first installment for this new opus of the economic policy of the Head of State, clearly oriented towards companies and intended to project the French economy towards the end of the decade. His ambition: “Better understand, better live, better produce”, in the words of the tenant of the Elysée. The amendment also provides for 34 billion euros in commitment authorizations, which correspond to the amounts indicated in mid-October by Mr. Macron. The latter had mentioned 30 billion euros invested, over five years, in ten“Everyday objects”, supplemented by € 4 billion invested in equity, through equity investments in growing companies.

Governance to be determined

Among the many projects that this plan must cover, energy and decarbonation (nuclear, hydrogen, industrial electrification), transport (batteries, low-carbon aircraft), the development of a “Healthy, sustainable and traceable food”, the biomedicines and medical devices as well as culture, space and seabed exploration as well as access to strategic raw materials. But no official written element, or even a press kit, was so far available to concretely translate this Prévert-style inventory.

Read the op-ed: Article reserved for our subscribers France 2030: “A large gap remains between economy and ecology”

The France 2030 plan will be included in the PLF’s “investments for the future” mission, currently under the responsibility of the Secretary General for Investment, Guillaume Boudy. One way to place the plan in line with its predecessors? In mid-October, Emmanuel Macron had specified that a project remained open: the governance of France 2030, still to be determined by early 2022. Public or private management? Autonomous or under the supervision of the administration? The ambition is “To make a certain number of players emerge more quickly, but also to accept risk-taking and an inherent part of failure”, then explained the Elysee, assuring to wish “To make work better together” public laboratories, large private groups and start-ups.

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