A cybersecurity expert has identified a vulnerability in the game Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which allowed the console to crash, provided you had the appropriate programs and hacking skills.
We sometimes forget that video games are computer programs and that they can also be pirated. A cybersecurity expert revealed a flaw in the famous game Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. He details his discovery in a message on the developer platform GitHub, published on October 1, 2024.
Concretely, this vulnerability was located in the local multiplayer system. To exploit this flaw, the attacker does not need to infiltrate the console in a complex manner. If the hacker has access to the same Internet network or the other player shares his connection with him during a race, he could crash the game or even crash the Switch.

The initial concern would be linked to memory overload. Some players are tampering with their Nintendo Switch by installing programs not originally authorized by Nintendo – homebrew. This software allows games to be retrieved illegally, with the risk of being detected by Nintendo, or to download computer tools.
The owner of a modified console could send “information packets” to his opponent to overload the console, and crash the race.

Cyberattacks still common in online games
The vulnerability detailed by the cybersecurity expert requires you to be motivated and competent and to prepare your plan. So it won’t be so easy to hack your little brother or sister. Nintendo has also published a correction for this vulnerability, which can no longer be so easily exploited in version 3.0.3.
It nevertheless highlights the risks of crashes linked to malicious acts in the video game environment. It is still common for malicious players to launch denial of service attacks: they target a specific network and overload the connection to the point of partially shutting it down. If one hacker loses, everyone loses.
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