A former CNews journalist joins Macron and becomes the spokesperson for Renaissance

Solene Delinger
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12:13 p.m., September 21, 2022

The former journalist in charge of monitoring the Elysée since 2017 on CNews left the continuous news channel of the Canal + group this summer to join the ranks of Macronie as spokesperson for Renaissance. According to information from “Figaro”, Emmanuel Macron would have welcomed this “disruptive” recruitment.

Journalist Loïc Signor, in charge of monitoring the presidential majority for CNews, has decided to leave the television group to join the ranks of Macronie. According to information from our colleagues at Figaro, Loïc Signor would have been approached by the general secretary of Renaissance, Stéphane Séjourné.

A “well-considered” choice

In an interview given to Figaro tuesday, Loïc Signor has confirmed that he left his job as a journalist during the summer to join the Renaissance party as the new spokesperson for Emmanuel Macron’s political formation. “I left CNews to become spokesperson for Renaissance, the new party of the presidential majority that Stéphane Séjourné will lead”, thus indicated the journalist in the columns of the Figaro. A choice he defines as “strong, radical and carefully considered”. “Let’s do politics, it’s better to defend the values ​​that are mine. And it’s better to do it without a press card,” he says.

A “disruptive” recruitment, according to Macron

“We needed a spokesperson able to embody the positions that the party will take. I am delighted that Loïc Signor has agreed to put his expertise at our service”, welcomed Stéphane Séjourné. And, according to information from FigaroEmmanuel Macron himself would have welcomed the “disruptive” recruitment of Loïc Signor.

The former journalist indicates that he will have to “carry the word and the ideas of the party. It is in this logic that I will animate each week, at the headquarters of the party, a press conference, which will be held the day after our office executive “, he details in the columns of the Figaro.

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