A Fox News reporter injured in Ukraine says he is “damn lucky” to be alive.

Benjamin Hall was in a vehicle with Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski and Ukrainian journalist Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova last month when he was hit by artillery fire near kyiv. Zakrzewski, 55, and Kuvshynova, 24, were killed.

“To sum up, I lost half a leg on one side and a foot on the other. One hand is being reconstructed, one is not working anymore, and my hearing is quite ailing,” said Hall in a post on Twitter accompanied by a photo of himself on a stretcher, wearing a face mask.

“But overall, I feel pretty damn lucky to be here – and it’s the people who brought me here who are amazing!” Hall added.

In an earlier tweet, his first since the attack, Hall paid tribute to his two fallen colleagues.

Zakrzewski was a former warzone photographer who had covered multiple conflicts for Fox News, including Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. Based in London, he had been working in Ukraine since February.

Kuvshynova had helped Fox teams navigate Kyiv and surrounding areas while gathering information and speaking with sources.

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