A Game Boy but horizontally? It’s a yes !

Robin Lamorlette

July 11, 2022 at 2:23 p.m.


Game Boy Handheld © Obirux

© Obirux

You had to think about it, and a very resourceful artist did it: a Game Boy that stands like a nintendo-switch or one Steam Deck !

In addition to offering a redesign that flows from source, the artist Obirux has even allowed himself to make significant improvements to this revisited version of Nintendo’s legendary portable console.

Game Boy Handheld

Released in 1989, the cult Game Boy delighted many gamers in its time, with its legendary vertical design. It took until 2001 for Nintendo to offer a portable horizontal console, with the Game Boy Advance.

Obirux, an artist specializing in revisiting cult consoles, had fun doing the same thing with the original Game Boy. Named Game Boy DMG-0B “Prototype” (DMG for “ Dot Matrix Game “), this design perfectly captures the iconic identity of the Game Boy, otherwise.

To arrive at this shape, Obirux indicates that it had to sacrifice the shell and the plastic of two original Game Boy. He took the opportunity to make many improvements of very good quality.

An improved Game Boy… and a victim of its own success

Notable upgrades include the Dot Matrix screen and PCB panel, replaced with a modified version of the PCB panel, with a bonus IPS screen kit. As you can see in the image in the introduction to the article and in the video, this new screen offers a much clearer image and better contrast quality.

Obirux also offered its redesign a much better battery than the original console. We thus go from a battery with four AAs to a Li-Ion battery. This allows, in addition to gaining a lot of space under the hood, greater autonomy.

It is certainly not a first attempt for the artist, who notably produced a PC based on a GameCube, or even mixed Super Nintendo and Game Boy in a portable console with a very large screen. All of these works can be purchased through his website. Unfortunately, the horizontal Game Boy has fallen victim to its own success, as it is currently out of stock.

Source : Obirux

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