A Game of Thrones star in the MCU: does this picture reveal more about her secret Marvel role?


New, leaked pictures from the “Secret Invasion” set may reveal what role a GoT star will play in the MCU in the future. See the photos at Netzwelt.

Emilia Clarke and Samuel L Jackson

Emilia Clarke and Samuel L. Jackson (Source: HBO/Helen Sloan/ Screenshot YouTube/ Collage: Netzwelt)

  • Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke makes her MCU debut in Secret Invasion.
  • Will Clarke be the boss of SWORD in the series with Nick Fury?
  • The first set photos don’t seem to suggest this.

The mouse streaming service Disney+ has a lot of Marvel series coming up in the future. Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, and She-Hulk are all slated for release later this year. The “Secret Invasion” series is a little further in the future. It will be about the shapeshifting Skrulls that are infiltrating the earth. The green aliens take the place of important and powerful people.

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In addition to Avengers icon Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), known from “Captain Marvel”, “Game of Thrones” star Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) will also be involved in “Secret Invasion” – but in what role?

Some Marvel fans have long speculated that Clarke could play SWORD boss Abigail Brand. SWORD is SHIELD’s sister organization in Marvel lore and deals with alien threats.

The first picture shows GoT star Emilia Clarke on the “Secret Invasion” set

In the Marvel template comics, Abigail Brand wears sunglasses, a green suit and has green hair – a very visually memorable character. However, GoT star Emilia Clarke now looks significantly different in the first pictures from the “Secret Invasion” set. See her here:

Brunette hair and a wide, olive-green coat – that’s quite different from Abigail Brand’s look in the comics. We’ll probably have to wait a while before we find out what role the “Game of Thrones” star will play in the MCU.

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genreDrama, Action & Adventure
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