a gaming mouse at an attractive price!

Ultra-light mice have been the big trend in recent years. The brands each take turns with their version of the best possible gaming mouse. This year, we had the opportunity to sift through several of them, and it is now the turn of MSI’s GM 51, released earlier in the year, to reveal to us what it has in The belly.

If we know the brand for its PC components, such as graphics cards for example, MSI has more than one trick up its sleeve. Earlier this year, it was its Clutch GM51 Lightweight Wireless mouse (and its wired equivalent) which found a place on the market, which has been particularly competitive in recent months. Very light, beautiful as anything, precise and ergonomic… let’s see what the little one has in her stomach.

The Clutch GM51 Lightweight Wireless prefers right-handed users

Where most newly released mice like the M75 AIR from Corsair or the ROG Harpe Ace from Asus opt for an ultra sleek design, the Clutch GM51 from MSI allows itself a few little “crazes”. Already, the mouse is openly designed for right-handed people. The design is asymmetrical and curved so that the thumb can rest against the side.

Two buttons also sit proudly on the left side part, and stand out enough that you don’t have to go looking for them very far with your thumb. Note also that the shapes of this Clutch GM51 are more aggressive than usual. She is plump, taller than average and not very long. The perfect shape to fit in the palm of the hand and ensure a natural grip. On the other hand, big hands may find it a bit small.

A rather classy and ergonomic design

On the sides, the mouse also has grips that run along it and provide, again, excellent grip. Same thing on the wheel. A little texture that doesn’t hurt the mouse, quite the contrary, and the touch is as pleasant as possible. The plastic used for the shell is quite well made, without frills, and the general design of the mouse works wonderfully.

MSI even added a few LEDs to enhance everything, a nice little extra, but it’s certainly also what makes the Clutch GM51 a “heavyweight” among ultralight mice. Where its big friends are around 60 grams and are sometimes even below, the GM51 displays almost 85 grams on the scale. Heavier therefore, but we still remain on a relatively light device. The clicks are slender and are suitable for all styles, whether you prefer to hold it with your whole hand or with your claw, everything fits like a glove.

Under the mouse, we find small, excellently made skates which facilitate gliding while ensuring a certain stability. No fuss, the gliding is very good with or without a play mat, in fact. Around the sensor, there are a few buttons. One allows you to gauge the DPI (sensitivity) a little and the other to turn on the mouse and juggle between the different connectivity modes.

Three connectivity modes

The Clutch GM51 can be used in wired mode, using a long reinforced, anti-twist cable, but also wirelessly using Bluetooth or via a 2.4 GHz USB dongle. The battery is pretty solid. During the few weeks of testing, I never encountered the slightest problem despite intensive use at work and in play. It must be said that on paper, MSI announces a battery life of almost 150 hours, which is colossal.

In fact, we will tend to recharge it frequently, either in wired mode (MSI also boasts MSI Snap technology allowing you to recharge 3 times faster than the standard, but I haven’t really been able to check), or via a small base provided. The latter also serves as storage for the USB dongle essential for the 2.4 GHz wireless function. The base is rather aesthetic and versatile (it connects via USB-C using the cable provided).

Top performance!

In terms of performance, the Clutch GM51 Lightweight Wireless uses a PAW-3395 (PixArt) sensor with 26,000 DPI, 650 IPS and capable of withstanding accelerations of 50G, therefore average, since Corsair’s M75 Air displays the same thing on paper. But if the 26K DPI is more than sufficient, the GM51 still has a little less in its stomach than the Asus Harp Ace and its 36,000 DPI. In any case, naturally, the mouse responds to the fingers and the eye. It is light, very precise and has no perceptible latency, whether in wired or wireless mode. FPS, RTS, MOBA, whatever. The GM 51 excels.

Software in retreat, too bad

However, it is on the software support side that it is less good. Optimization enthusiasts will have some adjustable options via MSI’s in-house software, but nothing as advanced as the competition. Although the software is easy to use, it is not always very clear, particularly regarding its profile and sensitivity management (by level). It also lacks other calibration tools that can be found among the competition, which is a shame. Of course, you can map your keys on the fly or change the colors of the LEDs if you wish. But that’s about it.

The technical specifications of the Clutch GM51 Lightweight Wireless

  • Price : 100€ (recommended launch price)
  • Sensor: PixArt PAW-3395 optics – 26000dpi – 650fps – 50G
  • Dimensions: 122 x 65 x 45mm
  • Weight : 85g
  • Connectivity: wired, 2.4GHz, Bluetooth
  • Autonomy: up to 150 hours (without LED) – charging base supplied

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