a gastroenterologist reveals the perfect trick to make it pass

Hiccups, this involuntary and spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm can be really unpleasant! Even if it is not serious, hiccups remain in some cases extremely painful, especially when it is difficult to pass them. So what are the tips to apply to get rid of hiccups quickly? We reveal everything to you!

But what is hiccups? How does it happen? Hiccups are simply a spasm, jerk or contraction of the diaphragm. Natural phenomenon that occurs after an excess of food for example, it is generally harmless and stops naturally in a few minutes. Unfortunately in some cases, hiccups can be embarrassing or even worrying when they persist, until they become chronic for some people and in this case treatment is generally recommended.

For all other types of hiccups, don’t panic! This can be really painful, but without great consequences for the person who suffers from it. All we want is to have the keys to get rid of this little inconvenience as quickly as possible and that’s what Dr Philippe Godeberge, gastroenterologist in Paris, provides us today! Before giving us his infallible tricks to make the hiccups pass easily and quickly, the doctor gives some tips to avoid it: “Thus, one must avoid swallowing suddenly, too large quantities or large mouthfuls for example. No hot or icy drinks pouring in. You don’t go from very hot food to very cold food, or vice versa, and you avoid overconsumption of chewing gum“.

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Hold one’s breath

The main and infallible trick to pass a hiccup lies in breathing! Indeed, Dr. Philippe Godeberge reveals that holding your breath is still the best way to pass a hiccup, and this for the longest possible way. Depriving yourself of breathing increases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood and therefore stops this phenomenon in a fairly discreet way. Several techniques are used and work very well: plug your ears and stop breathing, pinch your nose and blow, drink a glass of water upside down or even sing while holding your breath.

For those who can, you can also lie down and bring your knees to your chest. This movement will allow you to press on the diaphragm as well as on your lungs. A mechanism that also generally works very well.

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