a global solidarity event to promote women


fun, news, tips… what else?

On the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day, a giant hackathon is taking place on March 7 and 8, 2022 at the initiative of Big Bloom to promote associations working for women.

The figures do not lie, women are not equal to men in the world of work, in terms of salary, representativeness, or responsibilities. The same applies to the fields of health, education and the family. To remedy this, we need widespread mobilization and an investment of all willpower over time. But certain one-off events are also important.

Big Bloom organizes on March 7 and 8, 2022 on the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day, the Together For Women global hackathon. This online solidarity event mobilizes employees and managers of large companies, students and specialists. Their mission will be to help associations committed to the cause of women to imagine a development project. One project will be designated the winner for each participating association. The associations will then benefit from support in an “incubator” for several months to develop it.

Hackathon Together for Women: two days of meetings

The program for these two days is packed. The participants in the event will be divided into teams of about 8 people. Each of these teams will have the task of proposing a solution to solve a problem presented by one of the associations: fundraising, event organization, or management issues. All day on March 7, the teams will chain the coaching sessions and meetings to complete their project. A meeting with the beneficiaries of the association they want to help, a phase of reflection and design of a common project, a “prototyping” phase, then a presentation phase.

Indeed, if in total, each association will benefit from 3 project-solutions, only one will be implemented concretely. A jury of experts, partners and specialists will designate the winner for each association. The names of the winners will be announced on March 8 in the morning. And then, it will be the beginning of a great adventure for all the associations selected: that of the real project and the realization of their objectives in an incubator until July 2022.

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