Has the government taken too long to take action to contain the coronavirus epidemic? This is what claims the group of doctors C19, founded by Philippe Naccache, Emmanuel Sarrazin and Ludovic Toro. Thursday March 19, the three health professionals filed a complaint against Édouard Philippe and Agnès Buzyn, that they accuse of "state lie". In its complaint to the Court of Justice of the Republic, the group claims that the head of government and the former Minister of Health "were aware of the danger and had the means of action, which they nevertheless chose not to exercise", reports the AFP.
The Ministry of Health servers searched?
These doctors notably rely on the controversial statements of Agnes Buzyn published in The world, Tuesday March 17. "When I had the ministry, I cried because I knew that the tsunami wave was before us. I left knowing that the elections would not take place", said the former candidate for mayor of Paris."In essence, she explains that she knew everything and did nothing", notes Fabrice Di Vizio, the lawyer for the C19 collective at the Parisian. And to continue: "A criminal investigation is now essential to find out the extent of the information that was withheld from the French and determine everyone's responsibilities in this health fiasco. It takes a series of measures, including that the department's servers be searched, to find out what has actually been exchanged between departments."
According to the lawyer for C19, "it would have been essential to build up protective stocks (masks, gowns, glasses, gloves, etc.) and to buy large quantities of tests as early as January 30, when the World Health Organization qualified the epidemic as emergency. international public health". In accordance with article 223-7 of the penal code, Édouard Philippe and Agnès Buzyn potentially incur a sentence of two years' imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros.
Read also : Édouard Philippe: Prime Minister's freezing order on the holding of funerals during the confinement period