a hefty fine awaits you if you make this mistake while vacuuming

Advice to fans of cleaning at all hours: vacuuming whenever you want could cause you some problems. We’ll explain!

For many of us, it’s time for spring cleaning. The season is indeed conducive to tidying up, cleaning and sorting in the house. While some are fans of a radical method like Swedish death cleaning, others are inspired by the famous Marie Kondo to throw away objects they don’t need to feel better, and some prefer to focus on hygiene and dust removal.

And, as you know, the best weapon against dust is the vacuum cleaner, so we want to use it all the time. Although this device is very effective, it still has some drawbacks to keep in mind to avoid problems..

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A household appliance that you want to use at any time

Nothing resists the vacuum cleaner: daily dust, animal hair, bread crumbs… This invention is magical and it saves us a lot of time in our lives at 100 per hour when we often have to do the cleaning at full speed, due to lack of time. The advantage of the vacuum cleaner is that it requires little maintenance, apart from its filter which must be changed from time to time. Just plug it in and it’s ready to go. And you are ready to vacuum up all the dirt in your house in no time!

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It’s so easy that you’re tempted to use your vacuum cleaner at any time of the day or night.
But precisely according to a video recently posted on the Démotivateur Instagram account, iYou must use your vacuum cleaner following very specific rules. Vacuuming at all hours isn’t necessarily a good idea…and it might even get you into trouble.

What not to do when vacuuming

Contrary to what one might believe, the sound of the vacuum cleaner is part of the noise pollution. So, if you vacuum before 7 a.m. or after 10 p.m. you risk paying a fine because of the noise you cause and which may disturb your neighbors! Article R1336-5 of the public health code is very clear on this subject : “No particular noise must, by its duration, repetition, or intensity, harm the tranquility of the neighborhood..”

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You understand: if you choose to vacuum in the early morning or late at night, you are exposing yourself to problems. Indeed, your neighbors annoyed by the noise of the device can choose to report it to the authorities… And you are then liable to a rather hefty fine which amounts to €68 and which must be paid within the limit 45 days. Please note, the amount increases to €180 if you pay beyond this period…

News journalist

A true jack-of-all-trades, passionate about travel, culture, society, people and beauty, Saliha writes for various media such as Escapade magazine, the GEOguide collection by Gallimard, Le Figaro…

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