A helicopter and two dog handlers deployed to find a man who disappeared after a wedding, he had in fact returned home: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

It is an unusual story to say the least. On the night of Sunday August 6 to Monday August 7, 2023, a thirty-year-old man disappeared during a wedding in the village of Champigny-sur-Veude located in the Indre-et-Loire department. Monday, August 7 in the morning, the bride and groom noticed that a car belonging to one of their guests had remained in the parking lot. Very worried, the latter tried to reach the owner of the vehicle without success, it was then that they warned the gendarmerie to ask them for help. The team of gendarmes pulled out all the stops to actively find the missing person, in particular with two dog handlers, a helicopter, and even a call for witnesses. And to everyone’s surprise, the guest had returned home to Brittany, as the radio reported France Blue Touraine this Wednesday, August 9, 2023.

He returned home after an argument

According to the information revealed by our colleagues, the 35-year-old man returned home in the middle of the night, without warning the bride and groom and the other guests. Indeed, the drunk thirty-something would have had a lively discussion with some guests at the wedding reception. This altercation would have visibly greatly displeased this guest, and he left without saying a word. For his impromptu departure, he would have walked for a while, then he hitchhiked and finally took a train to reach his destination in his town in Brittany. An act which, to say the least, worried and surprised many people and which led to an important search by the gendarmerie of the village of 818 inhabitants. And for good reason, a beautiful device has been put in place to allow him to come to his aid. Indeed, the gendarmerie launched an appeal for witnesses and deployed a team made up of two dog handlers, and above all a helicopter. After a few hours of searches, the information would have reached the gendarmerie that the mysterious disappeared was indeed at home. To date, the one who comes from a town near Vannes in Brittany has still not recovered his car left in the parking lot.

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