A huge fan ofHelldiverse 2 has developed a YouTube channel that informs the community about the state of the front with a fake TV news. Quite a dedication.
Helldiverse 2 is a service game that has evolved well since its launch, despite a few departures. The narrative is cleverly scattered throughout the game, via objects to collect, mission orders or updates. It’s not direct communication, and you often have to be on the lookout to understand everything and not miss any gaming news.
This approach obviously inspired a fan, according to an October 8 Polygon article. As he has a lot of fun in Helldiverse 2he imagined a YouTube channel which offers a news bulletin inspired by a real TV news program. His goal? Constantly inform the community.
“ Get updates on battles, profiles of different brave Helldivers, and even a glimpse of dishonorable behavior in the midst of chaos. Our channel offers you news and analysis from the front, celebrating heroism and revealing abuses in the fight for Controlled Democracy “, we read in the description of the channel called GFN (GalacticFrontlineNews).
There is a newsletter on Helldiverse 2
GoMam, creator of GFN, told Polygon behind the scenes of the project : “I’ve seen people complaining on Reddit about being stuck at work or unable to play, missing out on big events like Meridia being blown up by a black hole… or rather the implosion. Thanks to the game-as-a-service nature of the title, I discovered that I had a lot of content available and a playing field that was constantly evolving “.
With a tone reminiscent of propaganda newspapers, in line with the satirical tone ofHelldiverse 2GalacticFrontlineNews covers several topics. Even controversies do not escape the reporter. When it is necessary to thank the developers for successful new products, the channel takes the time to do so. The videos are rather well edited, with a complete summary and a cast of characters with varied profiles.

This YouTube project, still very discreet (less than 10,000 subscribers) is still proof that the universe ofHelldiverse 2which is as reminiscent of Starship Trooper as Terminator, can inspire beautiful things. GFN is a TV news program that could fit perfectly into the game, with a dedicated tab in the menus. In any case, GoMam has gone to great lengths to create something authentic, and what’s more, with a sustained pace of publication: around one video per week.
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