a high-risk trend for teenage girls

To escape the dictates of femininity, more and more teenage girls are undergoing testosterone treatment. A practice with potentially disastrous consequences for their health.

At first, I didn’t believe these figures: English health institutions report an increase in ten years of… 3,200% in the number of teenage girls seeking testosterone treatment in order to become masculinized. In the United States, in one year, the number of masculinizing surgeries for young women has quadrupled. In France, the figures are vague: the number of minors questioning gender and requesting transition has tripled or even quadrupled in ten years. As for mastectomies, there were 1,615 hospital stays in 2020 compared to 536 in 2011. While gender dysphoria affects a tiny percentage of the population (mostly male), there is a statistical surge of girls wanting to become boys. What’s happening ?

The book by the American Abigail Shrier, “Irreversible damage”, provides us with a maddening but relevant light. According to the journalist of the “Wall Street Journal”, it is the incitement of social networks that induces the phenomenon among girls. A wave waiting for us, the Old Continent? Us, the generation that uses Instagram as a distraction. For teenagers, it’s a vital network, the thread of their existence. The barometer of their well-being, their discomfort, their popularity. Their rate of love of others and self-esteem.

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So what are the parents doing? They are paralyzed

So it had to happen. By dint of seeing these clichés of sexy girls, long legs, small fine noses, without acne or cellulite, we know that there are filters, slimmers, tampering, we can not help but compare yourself to these images of perfect femininity. And by the way, it’s creepy. And as we find everything on Insta, there are those who rebel and offer a way out: you can’t be a girl, be a boy, it’s easier. OK, I’m summarizing, but that’s basically what Abigail is describing. In fact, when you read what these influencers of the Net, “trans” happy passed from girl to boy by the grace of the treatments with testosterone tell, you dream of the same happiness. Before they, sorry, “they” hated each other, they brooded, they hid… Only three months after the T treatment (for testosterone), “they” appear resolutely “male”, hairy for Alex; ambiguous for Kaylie, who qualifies: “You just have to try, you’ll see if you feel better after one, two months of T.”

The unfortunate woman is unaware of the irreversible effects of these hormones: hairiness everywhere, deep voice, square jaws, clitoral hypertrophy, not to mention the thickening of the blood, heart conditions given the multiplied doses that must be prescribed for a girl’s metabolism to transition : 10 to 40 times higher than what the body can support. Teenage girls don’t care. Feeling bad about themselves, they no longer want themselves. But that proceeds from the construction of oneself. Look at Shiloh, Brad and Angelina’s daughter: she spent her childhood refusing her femininity, wearing her hair like a boy, calling herself John and wearing ties… To appear this year, at 15, in a short dress, bun and makeup with mom. Classic stages of a young person who is looking for herself. And it takes a long time, decades, to find your style, your self.

So what are the parents doing? They are paralyzed. The cult of the child king paralyzes them. The teenager seems so unhappy, so sure of her “transidentity”. Not to mention the transgender activists in ambush, quick to cast opprobrium on the perplexed parents, these domestic oppressors. In England, parental consultations, overwhelmed, can no longer cope. In the United States, private clinics bludgeon their advertising: testosterone package and breast removal. irresponsible liberalism. As for the penitents, they lead a new fight… For their health, to find each other, to accept each other, to love each other.

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