a highly requested feature soon available, it would change everything!

The PS5 could well welcome a brand new feature highly anticipated by players. It will be a dream for many, especially those who have a very small connection.

The PS5 continues to improve with each update. The new features are legion and often meet its expectations and the requests of the community. The user experience has already been greatly refined since the machine was released and this should once again be optimized over time. Moreover, if we are to believe a recent patent filing, Sony is preparing something new that has been dreaming of for a long time.

A new PS5 feature that already sells dreams

What’s more annoying than having to wait for an update or installation to complete before playing a game you’ve just purchased? Let’s admit that as a bonus you don’t have fiber. When you find yourself having to download tens of gigabytes of data, you have to wait several hours. And that drives a lot of players crazy. Increasingly impatient users (yes, oh, that’s okay, we all are).

Sony has therefore rolled up its sleeves and is currently working on a solution for its PS5. A patent filing dating from August (but only just spotted) tells us of a system allowing the data to be further fragmented in order to break up the download and make it easier. Above all, it will allow players to enjoy their title while it downloads.

The patent plan in detail via VeryAliGaming

It’s a bit like what you can do currently, since it’s possible to download part of the game to play while the rest is downloading. Only, once again, not all games allow it and as a bonus, it often requires downloading large amounts of data. But with the new feature, the rendering should be smoother giving us the impression of playing in real time. At least, on paper.

This new system would divide the data into several pieces by prioritizing and taking into account different parameters such as playing time or the importance of the segments. The objective would therefore be to allow players to enjoy their game little by little, and to give them a more precise estimate of the duration of downloads. A super interesting feature that we would like to see arrive with the next PS5 Pro for example. But for the moment, nothing is certain yet.

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