A hospital group hit by a cyberattack in Strasbourg, the computer network shut down

[Info Numerama] The Saint-Vincent hospital group in Strasbourg was the victim of a computer intrusion. The investigation into this cyberattack is ongoing, the clinics have so far managed to maintain their activity.

Back to pens and papers in Strasbourg where the Saint-Vincent hospital group was the subject of a computer intrusion during the night of Wednesday to Thursday September 7. IT services shut down the entire system to quickly block infiltration into the network by hackers.

Contacted by Numerama, the spokesperson for the Saint-Vincent health establishments confirmed the intrusion and indicated the clinics “ maintain their activity “. Patients can therefore still be welcomed. However, the pace will be “ degraded mode » since employees do not yet have access to IT tools such as software and mailboxes. Reception and note-taking are done handwritten. However, it is possible to make calls. The hospital group had recently worked on emergency drills in the event of a cyber attack.

The Saint Luc Clinic in Strasbourg. // Source: YouTube Capture Vincent de Paul Foundation; edited with Canva

Hospitals, favored targets of hackers

The investigation is underway to understand the origin of the intrusion and determine if any data was stolen. The Saint-Vincent Hospital Group (GHSV) is a major healthcare player in the Alsatian region with four clinics in Bas-Rhin, including three in Strasbourg.

Hospitals are prime targets for hackers looking to steal medical data. These are resold at a good price on hacker forums. In France, establishments such as the Bourg-en-Bresse hospital, that of Brest and Corbeil-Essonnes have suffered cyberattacks. The last case was particularly publicized since the establishment had been paralyzed by the famous hacker group, Lockbit.

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