“A huge star”: Schwarzenegger’s touching tribute to Bruce Willis

In promotion for his Netflix series “Fubar”, Arnold Schwarzenegger paid tribute to his old accomplice, but also rival, of the 80s and 90s, Bruce Willis, forced to take early retirement due to illness.

Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Bruce Willis. Certainly three icons of Actioneer cinema from the 80s and 90s; blessed time for the three stars who competed on the screen in franchises that have become cult, between the Rambo, the Die Hard and other Terminator.

But if each of them logically tried to pull the cover to him and did not hesitate to soap the board of his colleague, it should also be remembered that the three were associated with the launch of the Planet Hollywood restaurant chain in October 1991. Even if this one, after a bulimia of openings of establishments throughout the world, will prove to be a financial fiasco from the end of the 90s. Arnie will even withdraw his balls from 1999…

This shows the pleasure we had to find these stars in the Expendables saga, to return to a genre that made them famous. It is in the light of this past that Schwarzenegger paid tribute to Bruce Willis, forced to end his career prematurely because of the incurable disease which affects him.

While promoting his series Fubar, which is hitting Netflix, Arnie dropped these words full of tenderness at the microphone of the site Cinema Blendwho asked him about Willis’ career. “I think he’s fantastic. He was a huge star for years. And he still is. I think he’ll be remembered as a great actor. nice. I understand that in these circumstances he preferred to stop, because his health takes precedence. But in general, you know, action stars never really retire. They recharge”.

English speakers will appreciate Arnie’s little pun with the final word, “They Reload” he said; like an echo of the reloading of firearms that they have so often embedded in their films…

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