a huge surprise has leaked, fans will love it

BioWare’s flagship role-playing game finally returns! Fans’ wait for Dragon Age 4 should soon be rewarded. However, the release date of the game has yet to be clarified. New information is reaching us on this subject…

Ten years after the last opus, Dragon Age fans are impatiently awaiting a fourth iteration. Officialized under the title “Dreadwolf”, Dragon Age 4 looms for the near future. But the release date does not seem to be unanimous. Between the leaks and the official suggestions, the dissonance still leaves doubt. But a well-known insider would have had new information on this subject…

Dragon Age 4 could soon show more

We no longer present Jeff Grubb, the insider who regularly shares news from the video game industry on his YouTube channel. In his latest video, he discusses several pieces of information that he would have received from the developers themselves about Dragon Age 4.

First of all, the feedback he has received suggests that the team is satisfied with the state of development of the game. Dragon Age 4 therefore seems to be on the right track. From then on, Jeff Grubb claims that the game will show itself “ At Summer Game Fest or in those waters “. In fact, the event has become THE place to show off your games. So, this fourth opus being expected for the current fiscal year, it would be surprising not to see it soon.

But that’s not all. Grubb persists with a hypothesis he had already put forward before. While some readings suggest that Dragon Age 4 was arriving at the end of the fiscal year, around March 2025the insider believes that the release should be much closer to us.

In fact, according to him, the new Dragon Age would be released “ later This year “. As such, a presentation at the Summer Game Fest would be an opportunity to move forward “ all the details » around this opus. If the hypothesis comes to fruition, we could therefore play it shortly afterwards.

However, if 2024 remains the exit window favored by Grubb, hindsight remains essential. What’s more, we remember that BioWare laid off part of its team last year. This will probably have had an impact on the progress of current projects. Please wait for official information from BioWare and EA. And chances are they won’t have to wait much longer!

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