A Le Mans doctor arrested after twenty suspicious deaths

William Molinié

The judicial police of Le Mans, in the Sarthe, on Tuesday arrested a doctor in his forties at his home, suspected of having sent 23 patients to palliative care outside of any supervised protocol. The doctor was presented Thursday to the examining magistrate for an indictment for two established murders.

It is the report of his colleagues at the beginning of last year that set the judicial machine in motion. In January 2020, doctors from the Pôle Santé-Sud clinic in Le Mans, in Sarthe, wrote to their council, denouncing a suspicious professional activity of one of their colleagues. The facts are taken very seriously and transmitted to the prosecution which then opens a judicial investigation.

A future indictment for two established murders

Several months later, the judicial police, according to information from Europe 1, arrested this doctor in his forties on Tuesday at his home, suspected of having sent several patients to palliative care outside of any supervised protocol, in particular by administering cocktails of unusually used drugs in high doses. This young doctor was presented to the examining magistrate on Thursday for indictment for two murders that investigators have at this stage been able to establish.

A total of 23 patients, all of whom have since passed away and who have passed through the hands of this doctor, could be concerned by the judicial investigation which will now focus on retracing the professional career of this doctor who has passed through several establishments and several regions. According to our information, the doctor was struck off and has not practiced since last October. In police custody, the suspect denied the charges against him. No victim has yet lodged a complaint.

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