a leak reassures players

Since its announcement last year, The Division 3 has kept a low profile. But a well-known Ubisoft insider has provided some details that will reassure fans of the franchise.

The fate of The Division 3 indeed seemed in danger given the latest news concerning the franchise. But its sequel is definitely in the works for Massive Entertainment, as the well-informed Tom Henderson recently confirmed in response to a fan’s concerns on X.com.

The Division 3 is biding its time

While Massive Entertainment is currently busy with Star Wars Outlaws, and after the cancellation of Heartland, fans feared that The Division 3 would meet the same sad fate. Especially since, before its announcement last year, Ubisoft had declared that it had no plans for a third opus. But according to Tom Henderson, there is no reason to worry. “ It will enter production after Outlaws “. Given that the latter will be released at the end of next August on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series, it won’t be long before it happens.

That being said, Massive Entertainment’s vision of a galaxy far, far away will receive two expansions following its release. However, it is possible that a smaller part of the studio will take care of these, while the rest would transition to the development of The Division 3. If this is the case, the title is not likely to be released for a long time, much to the dismay of fans of Ubisoft’s popular franchise combining shooter and RPG.

Fans have plenty to keep them busy while waiting for the sequel

In the meantime, Ubisoft Forward, as part of Summer Game Fest 2024, shared some rather good news for the new season of The Division 2, called The First Renegade. With or without the Warlords of New York DLC, all players now have access to all high-level content. The limitation to level 30 without this extension is therefore now lifted. The same goes for associated equipment, both past and present. Massive Entertainment therefore continues to monitor the second opus, hoping that this bodes well for its sequel. As a reminder, the second episode of the franchise celebrated its 5 years of good and loyal service last March.

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