A levitating robot train on the Moon? here is the new NASA project

As part of its Advanced Concepts Initiative, NASA is proposing an idea that seems straight out of a science fiction movie: a robotic train levitating on the Moon. This project, called FLOAT, aims to revolutionize the transport of materials on our natural satellite.

float niacs
Source: NASA / Ethan Schaler

While the mission to search for life on Mars begins to become a financial pit and has even already fallen ten years behind schedule, the NASA continues to progress in its projects which concern the Moon. Indeed, the American space agency has just taken a key step in the return of man to the Moon by having already selected the companies which will develop the lunar terrain vehicle necessary for the Artemis V mission.

This progress fits perfectly into the framework of the project of Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) of NASA, which seeks to turn visionary ideas into realities. Projects under the aegis of NIAC aim to explore technologies that seem like science fiction, with the objective of making them operational for space exploration. Among these initiatives is the FLOAT projectA levitating robotic train, designed to facilitate the transport of materials to the Moon. It could play an important role in the logistics and support of extended lunar missions by making transportation both more efficient and less expensive.

On the same subject – NASA wants to install a real elevator on the Moon, here’s why

This levitating train will be able to transport 100 tons of materials per day

The project FLOAT offers a revolutionary approach to transportation of materials on the moon. This system uses magnetic robots which levitate above a three-layer track. He minimizes Thus abrasion caused by the moon dust which often causes problems. Compared to traditional transport systems which rely on wheels or tracks and which are often subject to blockages or rapid wear due to the latter, this train offers a durable and efficient solution.

With an impressive transport capacity estimated at 100 tons of materials per day, the FLOAT project could revolutionize daily operations and logistics on the Moon. It could thus greatly facilitate the development of a future lunar base. This innovative system supports the agency’s goal of returning astronauts there by 2026 for the Artemis mission and establishing a permanent presence there.

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