A little time out: 5 tricks to make your coffee taste like it came from the coffee shop

Why does the coffee in the coffee shop always taste just a bit better than at home? This is not just because of the expensive machine.

Drinking a coffee, cappuccino or latte macchiato in the coffee shop is always a little highlight. But too frequent visits quickly take a toll on your wallet. In the video we show you some ingenious tricks so that the coffee at home tastes almost as good as in your favorite café.

Chilled music, a nice barista, comfortable armchairs, and of course delicious coffee, which make for great coffee bar ideas at home. No wonder coffee shops are so popular! If we could, we would definitely make a short stop there every day and treat ourselves to a break from everyday life.

A little time out: This is how your coffee tastes like it comes from your favorite coffee shop

But that could be quite expensive in the long run. But luckily we can also learn a few tricks for enjoying coffee at home that will make drinking coffee there a little highlight. We show you five brilliant tips in the video.