A mother with Karin Viard: true story or total fiction?

A mother with Karin Viard is it inspired by a true story? Response elements. Warning, this article may contain plot spoilers.

What is it about ?

Aline (Karin Viard) has never managed to mourn her son who died at 17 in a brawl. When she crosses by chance her attacker (Darren Muselet), just released from prison, she decides to build a plan to get revenge. As determined as she is, Aline begins to doubt as she
gets to know the young man.

A film inspired by real events?

A mother meeting the murderer of her son and making sure to get to know him… Is this starting point inspired by a real case or is it the fruit of the imagination of the screenwriter and director Sylvie Audcoeur?

To explain the genesis of her project, Sylvie Audcoeur explains that she came across a Youtube video having “has the effect of an electric shock“. In this video, we could see “an American woman in her fifties, seated next to a young man, recounts[ant] that her son was killed. Then we understand that the young man next to her is the murderer of her son…

I remained seized, adds the screenwriter and director. Even if this woman was very religious, that she had gone to see this young man in prison, that their relationship had been built little by little in the visiting room, my heart was beating: how was it possible to be seated there beside her son’s killer and talking to him so calmly?”

“How was this woman doing, when I find it so hard to forgive? These are the questions that made me think and I tried to find an answer, my answer”, concludes the filmmaker in the film’s press kit.

Memento Distribution

Karin Viard opposite Darren Muselet in A Mother.

More broadly, the film wants to address the issue of forgiveness, comments Sylvie Audcoeur. “The idea of ​​the film started from this question: how do we forgive? This is a question that has haunted me for a long time. Maybe also because I’m having a hard time making up my mind. From there, I said to myself: what is the worst thing that can happen to us? And therefore the most difficult to forgive? Someone kill our child.

This theme of forgiveness also joined another very important theme for me: that of the role of mother, which was already the subject of my short film. What is it to be a mother? How do you support your child as a mother and how far? A mother is therefore a very personal story. Not in the factual sense of an autobiographical story, but in the sense of the emotions that run through the film.”

This “emotional camera” allows us to discover Karin Viard in an intense dramatic role. She faces Darren Muselet, seen in particular in Mon frères and Jeunesse sauvage, also in the credits of the Narvalo series on CANAL +. This is the first feature film by Sylvie Audcoeur, actress that we have seen in many series.She has also been a screenwriter for many fictions.

The film has been in theaters since Wednesday, March 23.

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