A Muslim place of worship burned in Rambouillet, criminal track considered

A Muslim place of worship was destroyed by fire overnight from Friday to Saturday in Rambouillet in the Yvelines.

A Muslim place of worship was destroyed by fire overnight from Friday to Saturday in Rambouillet (Yvelines), AFP learned from the police and the prosecution, who favor the criminal track. According to the first elements of the investigation, residents of this “prayer tent” reported having seen around 1:00 a.m. “two people leaving the place quickly with a can (and) then saw the flames of blue color significant of the presence of hydrocarbons “, said a police source, which favors “an intentional fact”.

An investigation was opened for “arson” or “willful destruction by incendiary means” by the Versailles prosecutor’s office, which entrusted the investigations to the PJ of Versailles. No suspect was arrested immediately, according to the Versailles prosecutor’s office, requested by AFP.

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Opening an investigation

“Solidarity with the Muslims of Rambouillet who saw their place of worship destroyed by fire last night. An investigation is open and will shed light on its origin”, reacted on Twitter the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin.

“A fire broke out last night in our tent and despite the rapid intervention of the firefighters and their efforts, everything caught fire and there is nothing left except the metal structures”, commented on a Facebook post. the association of Muslims of Rambouillet. “No one was there, the damage is only material,” added the association.

The prosecution and the Yvelines prefecture meet early Saturday afternoon in Rambouillet to discuss the incident, according to a source familiar with the matter.

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