a new advantage for obtaining assistance overseas

A decree of October 13, 2022 modifies the conditions for granting MaPrimeRnov’ for housing located in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, La Runion or Mayotte. These must be completed more than two years ago to be eligible for the bonus.

The MaPrimeRnov’ energy renovation system, financial aid which allows owners or co-owners to have energy-saving work carried out, has evolved with regard to housing located overseas. A decree of October 13 provides that for MaPrimeRnov’ requests submitted since October 15, 2022 concerning properties located in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, La Runion or Mayotte, the latter must be completed for more than 2 years the date of notification of the decision granting the bonus.

Take into account the specificities of overseas accommodation

A derogation from the general rule that applies in metropolitan France where accommodation must be completed for at least 15 years to claim MaPrimeRnov’. In its notice, the decree explains that this measure is taken to take into account the specificities of the overseas housing stock.

A judgment published the same day also lowered the premiums for the change of hot water supply equipment running on thermal solar energy, for buildings located in La Runion, Guyana, Martinique, Guadeloupe or Mayotte. . Thus, aid increases from 2000 to 1600 euros for households with very modest resources and from 1500 to 1300 euros for households with modest resources. As a reminder, the MaPrimeRnov’ scheme has been credited with 2.45 billion euros for 2023, compared to 2 billion euros in 2022.

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Another important change: from 1 September 2023, the Mon Accompagnateur Rnov’ service will become mandatory under certain conditions.

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