a new and dangerous performance, never seen on the show

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The sixth episode of The Voice 2023 blind auditions is likely to make a lot of noise. At least, we will be able to discover there one of the talents to offer a completely new performance in the tele-hook of TF1.

Again last week, nearly four million viewers were seduced by the talents selected to take part in the blind auditions of the twelfth season of The Voice. But also by the coaches, including Zazie and Amel Bent who continue to fight a merciless battle to recover the best of them in their team. Just like Vianney, accused of cheating … The show is thus ensured on the TF1 tele-hook set, including by its host Nikos Aliagas! And if one of the candidates recently moved the interpreter of Father in lawa Lyonnaise to discover on Saturday April 1 in the sixth episode could impress them all.

Our colleagues from Entertainment TV reveal that mea will deliver a completely new performance in the French version of The Voice. Unheard of since its launch in 2012! Indeed, the young woman aged 24 years who introduces herself as an artist “complete” decided to choreograph his performance.

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Mea took two big risks in The Voice

During an interview with our colleagues, Mea explains that she took two risksstarting by taking back the tube I am a man by Zazie “in front of her”as Tayane had done with I was there previously. Then “propose a choreography on set”. “I didn’t know if it was going to pass but I found the idea interesting” she explains, before providing some details on the backstage of this skillfully orchestrated performance in agreement with the production. “It was I who made this proposal to the team during my first casting. After talking about it with Jean-Pierre Caporossi, the pianist who accompanied me, I mixed singing and dancing. The production loved it and validated my idea she remembered.

Mea explains that her goal was power “transmit an emotion and put movement into the music” without being looked at, the coaches being placed with their backs to the set during the blind auditions. I wondered if the coaches could feel my dance even if they didn’t see me” she adds, without speaking about the rest of her adventure. The mystery remains indeed whole, it will therefore be necessary to follow this new episode broadcast like every week on Saturday, in prime time on the first channel …


If writing is a pleasure, being read is even more so. Passionate about pop-culture, Jonathan sets the tempo in the right key to keep you always well informed. Attracted by …

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