A new data leak of 100,000 Facebook users published on the darkweb, take them in front


June 10, 2024 at 3:35 p.m.


Facebook again targeted by a leak of user account data - © gioele piccinini / Shutterstock.com

Facebook again targeted by a leak of user account data – © gioele piccinini / Shutterstock.com

Once again, personal data of Facebook users was illegally exposed. According to a report from CyberPeace Research100,000 lines containing sensitive information such as names, emails, phone numbers and locations have reportedly leaked to a forum dedicated to data breaches.

Would Meta present a new hole in the racket of its master asset, Facebook? This new leak seems to confirm it, and once again call into question the abilities of Mark Zuckerberg’s precious social network to protect the private information of its users.

Despite repeated promises to improve security, Facebook still remains vulnerable to cyberthreats who manage to steal and then resell troves of confidential data. This new breach could well further undermine users’ already weakened confidence in the protection of their online privacy. It remains to be understood the precise origin of this incident and its real scale.

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The new leak of 100,000 Facebook user data in detail

According to information from CyberPeace Research, it would be 100,000 lines of recent data belonging to Facebook users which would have been illegally put up for sale on a forum specializing in sensitive data leaks. The exposed information includes identifying elements such as the full names, email addresses, telephone numbers and locations of the affected users.

The exact circumstances behind this data breach are still unknown. This could be a group of experienced cybercriminals, hacktivists or other malicious entities. An investigation is underway to shed light on those responsible and their modus operandi. However, the potential damage is already clear to affected users.

Faced with this type of leak, the main risk is the use of this private information for malicious purposes such as phishing, identity theft or even blackmail. Facebook’s reputation also risks being further damaged among users already wary of the company’s privacy practices.

Change your Facebook password regularly - © aradapollawat / Shutterstock

Change your Facebook password regularly – © aradapollawat / Shutterstock

You are a Facebook user, here is how to effectively protect your account

Even if, compared to the 3 billion Facebook users in the world in 2024, the leak seems minimal, having your Facebook account hacked does not only happen to others, so here are some tips and practices to protect yours.

On Facebook, like other accounts or sites you use on a daily basis, change your passwords regularly, making them as complex as possible. Clubic shows you how to do it. The stronger and more complex a password is, the more hackers, who have no time to waste, will spend to crack it. And to reinforce the complexity of the task,
enable two-factor authentication.

Next, dig into your privacy settings so you don’t expose more information than necessary, nor do you give more permissions than you need to use Facebook.

Finally, make backups of your data in case your account is compromised and
remove old third-party apps that you gave access to

If, despite these precautions, your account is hacked, act quickly: immediately change your login details, report the incident to Facebook and check that no other sensitive data has been compromised (bank accounts, other networks, etc.). Regularly updating your software and antivirus also remains essential.




  • Global connectivity on the web
  • Access to Information and content

Facebook is the first social network to be a hit. It allows you to stay in touch with your friends and loved ones, in all circumstances. Accessible from the web or from a smartphone via the Android and iOS application, the platform has more than three billion registered users.

Facebook is the first social network to be a hit. It allows you to stay in touch with your friends and loved ones, in all circumstances. Accessible from the web or from a smartphone via the Android and iOS application, the platform has more than three billion registered users.

Source : CyberPeace Research X.com account, CXO Today



Moderator, contributor and community manager for the late OVNI Le Post, then company journalist specializing in parenting and psychology, notably on Le HuffPost, the world of the Web,...

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Moderator, contributor and community manager for the late OVNI Le Post, then company journalist specializing in parenting and psychology, notably on HuffPost, the world of the Web, networks, connected machines and everything written on the Internet falls within the scope of my favorite subjects.

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