a new episode in the works at 343 Industries?

It is an understatement to say that Halo Infinite did not really have the aura expected by Microsoft. And quite credibly, a rumor explains that 343 Industries would already be at work on a new opus.

Halo Infinite has only been available for six months, and yet its successor is already on the way within the 343 Industries studio. The rumor comes from the very mouth of Jeff Corden, a journalist usually very well informed. According to the latter, Bonnie Ross’ studio already has a team working on the next installment of the franchise.

The sequel already done?

Remember that Jeff Corden is usually a reliable source when it comes to Microsoft studios. He also regularly publishes information about the Halo saga. In this case, the subject provided this information during an episode of Rand Al Thor’s Xbox Two podcast 19. During the show, Jeff said he was “almost certain” that a new episode of the Halo saga was being developed at the Seattle studio.

Of course, the journalist did not reveal his sources, but given the reputation of the man, it is to be expected that these declarations are true. Moreover, this is not the first time that we have heard of another game in development in parallel with Halo Infinite.

Halo: To Infinite and Beyond

Many rumors have been circulating for a few months around a Battle-Royale mode intended for Halo Infinite, but which would be developed by a different studio: Certain Affinity. This Texas studio is best known for its support role on many titles such as Halo: Combat Anniversary, Halo 4, 2016’s DOOM and Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered. If Certain Affinity takes care of this mode, it could free up people at 343 Industries to indeed tackle a new episode of Halo, although some of the teams are at work on the co-op and Forge modes. Infinity.

Finally, several job offers published by 343 Industries seem to point to the development of a new opus. Better, this one would even be canon, and would continue to tell us about the exploits of the Master Chief.

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