a new leak that clearly sells dreams

We have some news regarding Assassin’s Creed Hexe, one of the future big games in the franchise, and it looks terribly dark. Plus, there would even be a little surprise in store.

Things are visibly starting to move in terms of the Assassin’s Creed license. Yesterday, we received additional information about Project Infinity. For its part, Red has been the target of numerous leaks since its announcement in 2022. But today, we are offered some juicy news on an opus that we hadn’t heard about for a long time: Hexe (from its code name ). Get ready, because if it turns out, we may well be amazed by this future game.

Assassin’s Creed Hexe promises to be very sinister

For the moment, we don’t know much about this title which promises to be ambitious. Nothing unusual, Ubisoft doesn’t plan to release it right away. However, that doesn’t stop us from knowing a little about what awaits us. We know that Assassin’s Creed Hexe will be set in 16th century Europe, in the midst of a witch hunt. In any case, this is what Yara Tabbara, recruitment manager at Ubisoft Montreal, confirmed last year. She even said that he “ will leave a lasting mark in the history of the franchise “.

A beautiful statement without a doubt. And it continues. Indeed, Tom Henderson, a fairly reliable insider, would have obtained new information on Assassin’s Creed Hexe. Internally, it would be described as the “darkest game in the series”. Quite logical when we see the story that is going to be told to us, but that’s not all. We would play a female character called Elsa, without having the choice between her or a male character. Something that has not happened since 2015 with China.

Moreover, it would even be the first big game in the franchise to do this. Either way, we’re not going to see him any time soon. Henderson says Assassin’s Creed Hexe is aiming for a 2026 release, without further details. He even goes so far as to say that the multiplayer project titled Invictus will arrive before, around 2025. Once again, this should be taken with a grain of salt, because there has been no official confirmation from the editor. That said, it makes your mouth water.

AC Infinity begins to reveal itself

As we said above, we are starting to find out more about Assassin’s Creed Infinity. Indeed, the media Insider Gaming would have managed to get their hands on a demo of the latter. We are therefore told that this will be the main platform allowing you to move from one title of the license to another. There will be a hub, allowing quick access to, for example, Red or Hexe. This place would mainly be thought of as being an online service with features like “Exchange”. The name is rather self-explanatory, it is an item store used to buy special cosmetics to be found in the different titles.

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